Does Deep Cleaning Hurt

Does deep cleaning hurt? – Let us find out

Professional cleaning involves removing tartar and plaque from the surface of the teeth visible in the mouth. If there are certain deposits on the root surface, you need deep cleaning. It is the process of removing plaque and tartar deposits from the roots. The most common concern among people when discussing dental curettage is: Does deep cleaning hurt? No, It is an entirely painfree process done under local anesthesia by our team of gum specialists at Cosmecare Dentistry Chembur.

In the information provided below, let us find out more about deep cleaning, which was brought to you by  Cosmecare Dentistry Chembur.

What if deep cleaning is not done?

If deep cleaning is suggested and you miss out on it, then the disease will progress into the supporting tissues. From the supporting tissues, it will spread onto the bone and affect the tooth’s stability. 

Indication of deep cleaning

  • Red, swollen gums that bleed easily
  • Pain or tenderness in the gums or soft tissues around the teeth
  • Chronic and persistent bad breath
  • Bone loss surrounding the teeth
  • Tooth mobility
  • Pus discharge around the gums

It is important to note that these are some typical indications, and it is in your best interest to get your complete examination done to determine your eligibility. There may be cases where one or a few of the above signs necessitate deep cleaning. 

Deep cleaning vs. scaling

Dental scaling, or ultrasonic teeth cleaning, removes plaque and tartar from the teeth’ surface. Curettage, on the other hand, involves deep cleaning of the root surface. An ultrasonic scaler is used for dental scaling, and a hand instrument is used for curettage. Both treatment processes are entirely painless.  

Is it necessary to anesthetize?

In some cases where there is not much-infected tissue to be removed, and the site of action is not deep, it can be done under topical anesthesia. However, our experts at Cosmecare Dentistry Chembur prefer deep cleaning sessions under anesthesia to minimize the discomfort. Hence, if you ask us, Does deep cleaning hurt?, the answer is NO!

How is deep cleaning or curettage done?

The first step is anesthetizing the tooth and surrounding areas. Once the area is numb, a curette is inserted in the pockets between the tooth and the gums. The pressure is on the tooth side to scrap off the infected root lining. The process is done in small strokes, making it a comfortable experience. This way, the tartar is removed from the root surface. The process is done until we achieve a smooth, clean, healthy root lining.

When is a deep cleaning necessary?

Deep cleaning is done in advanced gum disease cases. The initial stages of the gum disease are limited to the soft tissues. The advanced stage is when the disease infects the supporting tissues. If the deep cleaning is not done, it leads to the advancement of disease and further complications like tooth mobility and loss. 

How long does it take?

The time taken depends on the severity of the case and the number of teeth involved. For a more detailed understanding of your case, it is best to get your dental examination done with our experts at Cosmecare Dentistry Chembur.